lundi 13 juin 2016

Choir stalls and their workshops Greifswald, 23. — 26. June 2016

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald,
Misericordia International,
Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Choir stalls and their workshops

Greifswald, 23. — 26. June 2016

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Choir stalls were not only simple seating for the priests and monks. With their highly complex imaging systems they were also one of the most important and demanding artistic tasks in medieval cathedrals, monastic churches, and even parishes. In recent years, research has focused primarily on iconographic questions and formal and stylistic analysis, as has the research of Misericordia International. There are very few studies dedicated to the workshops and their working conditions. Therefore this year the Misericordia International conference in Greifswald will deal with the workshop context of the choir stalls for the first time. In addition to questions about substantive and economic mechanisms of art production the conference examines basic knowledge of craftsmanship the use of drawings and models in the production of choir stalls.
The target group of the conference includes researchers in art history, economic and technical history, image based working historians and conservators.
The venue Greifswald is chosen wisely. North Germany has a rich choir landscape whose research is a rewarding task. Nevertheless, despite work by relevant scientists that wealth is not well known, let alone scientifically. The colloquium will thus stimulate a reinterpretation of the liturgical furniture and provide new impulses.


Conference language

Presentations will be held in English and German. Bilingual abstracts are provided.


Thursday, 23. June 2016

12.30 Registration


13.00 Frédéric Billet, President of Misericordia International (Sorbonne Paris): Welcome
13:10 Gerhard Weilandt (Universität Greifswald): Introduction

Section I Workshop practices

Chair: Frédéric Billet
13.20 Thomas Eißing (University Bamberg): Science of Joining structures as knowledge reservoir for workshop practices? A methodological introduction
14.00 Anja Seliger (Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung Berlin): To get an idea – Visualization as a starting point in the manufacturing process
14.40 Break
14.50 Angela Glover (University of Toronto): Module as Model for Early Modern Choir Stalls
15.30 Kristiane Lemé-Hébuterne (Amiens): Big seats for fat Benedictines, small ones for slender Cistercians? – Some statistics on the size
16.10 Break

Section II 16th and 17th century choir stalls – tradition or restart?

Chair: N.N.
16.25 Volker Dietzel (Dresden): Berufsbezeichnungen und Werkzeugnamen der Tischler, Schreiner und Kistler
17.05 Ulrich Knapp (Leonberg): The Choir stalls of Salem Cistercian Monastery Church as testimony of liturgical and economical reforms (1588 till 1593)
17.45 Jörg Lampe (Academy of Science Göttingen): The choir stalls of the monasteries of Pöhlde and St. Alexandri in Einbeck – Observations on their time of origin from an epigraphical and historical point of View
18.25 Break

Keynote Lecture

19.00 Dorothee Heim (Berlin): The woodcarver Rodrigo Alemán. An international acting choir stalls maker and businessman in Spain around 1500
NB: Different room for keynote lecture!
20.15 Get-together

Friday, 24. June 2016

09.30 Registration and welcome coffee

Section III Choir stalls made of stone - a forgotten furniture

Chair: Jens Rüffer
10.00 Jörg Widmaier (University Tübingen): The stone bench of Burs – Gotland’s masonry in context and their connections to the main land
10.40 Erika Loic (University Harvard): Liturgical Activation of Master Mateo’s Stone Choir in Santiago de Compostela
11.20 Break
11.40 James Alexander Cameron (The Courtauld Institute of Art, London): Microarchitectural reflexivity in the design of sedilia and choir stalls

Section IV Authorship and groups of work – case studies

Chair: Anja Seliger
12.20 Willy Piron (Radboud University, Nijmegen): The bilobate misericords of the Lower-Rhine area: a local phenomenon?
13.00 Lunch Break
14.20 Christel Theunissen (Radboud University Nijmegen): Jan Borchman and his fellow craftsmen. The creation of choir stalls in the Low Countries
15.00 Barbara Spanjol-Pandelo (University of Rijeka): Matteo Moronzon – an artist or a project manager of a woodcarving workshop?
15.40 Break
Chair: Gerhard Weilandt
16.00 Detlef Witt (Greifswald): Die Wangen der Anklamer Chorgestühle
16.40 Kaja von Cossart (Drechow): The choir and other 13th century furniture in the Cistercian Monastery Doberan
17.20 Final Discussion
18.30 General Meeting of Misericordia International
20.00 Get-together

Saturday, 25. June 2016

Whole-day excursion

Meeting point: 8.00 bus terminal Greifswald
9.30 Bad Doberan, Münster, former Cistercian Monastery Church
11.30 Retschow, Village Church
12.30 Rostock, Monastery Church Holy Cross, now the church of Rostock University and Museum
Departure 15.30
16.00 Ribnitz-Damgarten, Monastery Church
18.00 Departure to Greifswald

Sunday, 26. June 2016

Half-day excursion to Stralsund
Meeting point: 8 am train station Greifswald
The guided walking tour through Stralsund includes a visit to the inside of the roof. Please dress appropriately for the weather and the roof visit – it might be dusty and have a narrow stair way.
• Church St. Nikolai
• Historical Museum Stralsund (St. Catherine’s Monastery)
• Church St. Jacobi (Depot)
End of the conference approximately 15.00.


We kindly ask for a binding registration by 17.06.2016. Please declare at registration if you want to participate on the excursions and which one. You can choose the full-day excursion an Saturday 25.06.2016 (Bus) and/or the half-day excursion (train) to Stralsund on Sunday 26.06.2016. The entrance to the conference is free but for the excursions a fee is required. The fee includes all entrances for churches and museums and the train ticket. 40 Euros for the bus excursion on Saturday 20 Euros for the half-day excursion on Sunday (Train)
You can register here or send an E-mail to